
Copper Chandelier Earrings

Evening Folks...

Today is my third wedding anniversary and we are heading out to Red Lobster for a date. :) I hope to find a sampler so I can try many things. I've never had real crab or lobster.

My mom came over at one point this week to help me on some crochet stitches but we weren't in the mood to work. We were in the mood to chat and have lunch, so that's what we did instead!

I've still been working on making jewelry. I picked up a new tool to help me make chandelier earrings over the weekend. Copper and brass metals are extremely popular right now, so I thought I'd make some with those materials. Here is a photo of the second pair of earrings that I made and I fell in love. The beads are natural pearls and semi-precious gold stone (just gorgeous and sparkly!). I cannot sell these! They're MINE! I have worn them two days in a row. I finally took them off to replace them with earrings that matched my sweater for our anniversary date. Things a woman must do! I'll probably wear them again tomorrow.

I'm hoping to do more work this weekend - anything! Sewing, beading, crocheting... Next week is only slightly fewer hours at work than this week. It's hard to balance everything. Working out has gone by the way side. I finally cleaned my house really well this weekend, after being down with a cold for 10 days. This weekend, however, is my PLAY weekend. I'm going to the library to get more books on my hobby crafts. I hope to have a goal set and met concerning the product I list for February. Maybe I'll have a plan more solid by next Tuesday.

Until then...

1 comment:

Laura705 said...

Very pretty earrings!

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