There is a new little man in the house! Yup, I got a fish. But this isn't just ANY fish, it's “George” and he's a Siamese Fighting Fish – or “Betta”.
Since they come in so many colors, I actually took a little time to decide which one I wanted. I thought the terracotta fins looked very pretty. He doesn't seem to be in too bad of shape for hanging out in a little cup for who knows how long.
I suppose I'll upgrade his bowl soon. Walmart had a neat round bowl and I think it was 1 gallon, but until then he'll live in this little bowl. I can make room at my work station for the 1 gallon bowl later. The plan is to make him my praying/journaling buddy in the AM. :D
Well, I don't know too much more to say about it. It's a fish. I won't eat this one. Heh. :|