
Subject: Chubahka

Did I mention that I want to improve my photography skills? I do!

This photo of my dog isn't a photo that sticks out from every other photo in this world, but it's my dog and he's cute. He came outside with me while I practiced shooting yesterday and I noticed he was eating snow. I had to capture his face! The lighting is pretty nice too.

(I planned that. Heh.)


Anonymous said...

Awww, very cute photo. I love his snowy snoot, and the light(SUN!!) is wonderful.

Here is a link to one of the mitten patterns. This one I don't really like for the pattern, but for the casing for the elastic.



I can't locate the 2nd pattern at the moment. I'll be back if/when I find it!

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to the other site, but you'll have to look once you get there to find the pdf doc for the pattern:



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